Monday, February 06, 2006

Month of January summary

The final two days of January I was not feeling very well so I cleared some bonus and played 3 180 player 20+2 SNGs at pokerstars. Bonus clearing went terrible (again), but I won one of the SNGs for $1080.

My ending balance for January looks like this:
Neteller: 3350
PartyPoker: 4375
PinnacleSports: 2350
RitzPoker: 280
WillHill: 260
UKbetting: 242
Totalbet: 193
Paradise: 66
B2B-network: 880
Total Bankroll: $12000

Increase in bankroll: $6500
SNGs: 3925
Rakeback: 850
MTTs: 1015
Bonuses: 700

My SNG results were 685 played for a 36.93% ITM and 10.42% ROI. Well above my 5% ROI target. I exceeded my goals by almost $3000, while playing less SnGs then expected. The reason for this was that I had to clear more bonuses than expected. The 180 SnG on pokerstars also helped the good results.

I am happy with my play. The play displayed from the other players at the 55s have been a lot worse than expected. My ITM distribution of 79-83-88 is my only concern and something I will focus on to see if I can find any leaks.

I am also a bit concerened with the huge swings I have been experiencing. I either run really well or really bad. I have tried compering hand histories from the different runs, but not been able to find any differences in my play. Hopefully its just some extreme variance and my results will be more stable for the next month.

My hourly rate from SNGs was $43.33. Adding about $12/hr from rakeback gives me a total of $55/hr which I am very pleased with.


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