Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Week 2

167 SNGs played
37.72% ITM, 18.13% ROI, 23-19-20---105
Profit: $1665
Rakeback: $209

Martins Poker: $170
Play at Martinspoker: -$144

Total Profit Week 2: $1900

This has been another good week, but it started out bad Monday losing about $500 while I sat a new high for tournaments played in a day this year with 66. My first 8 SNGs Tuesday was my best streak ever as I went 4 firsts, 1 second and 1 third netting $810. The next two days went well too and I had made my goal of 150 SNGs played by Thursday. As I was starting up Friday I suddenly lost my internet connection and had to fire up my backup ISDN connection. My antivirus program told me I had gotten a virus and I had to spend the rest of the day trying to remove it :(

As usual I ran bad as I tried to clear some bonus losing most of it. I should probably stop wasting time doing it as I find it incredible boring and irritating compared to SNGs. Tried playing Ed Millers shortstack NL system, but I hardly won a pot. Still I believe this system really has a lot of merit as most of the players really seemed to have no clue how to play my shortstack. (I was playing NL100 and NL200).

I had hoped to get in some tournaments sunday after I returned from a roadtrip with my floorball team, but I was too tiered, so I ended up with 167 SNGs played, just over my 150 goal.


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