Thursday, January 05, 2006

Financial goals

My starting balance for the year looks like this:
Neteller: 1568
PartyPoker: 881
PinnacleSports: 2134
RitzPoker: 232
WillHill: 229
UKbetting: 224
Totalbet: 225
Paradise: 43
Total Bankroll: $5536

With 100 buyins this should be sufficient to play the 55s, but I am a little worried as I have always been overbankrolled (3-400 buyins), so war not starting with a huge downswing.

I am set up with 25% rakeback, and hope to get included into the Party VIP program for next month which would give me an effective rakeback of 32.5%.

From this month I expect a rakeback of about $1000.
I will also do some bonus whoring which I expect to be worth about $500 for the month.
When it gets to profit from playing I have decided to start out with a conservative outlook and a target ROI of 5%. From the 800 SNGs I expect to get in this month this would generate $2200.
Total goal for this first month is: $3700.

Here is the chart I will update my results to:


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