Saturday, April 01, 2006

Quarterly results.

Quarterly results
Old structure:
SNGs played: 1157
36.65% ITM, 10.16% ROI 136-140-145---736
Profit: $6465

New structure speeds:
SNGs played: 1546
36.0% ITM, 8.0% ROI 183-177-196---990
Profit: $6837

Total SNGs played: 2703
ITM: 36.26% ROI: 8.97%
Finish distribution:
1st: 11.88%
2nd: 11.73%
3rd: 12.65%

Total profit SNGs: $13335

Cash game play: -$615
Multi table tournaments: $1015
Other gambling activities: -$680

Rakeback: $2855

VIP-Bonus: $1910
Cash game bonuses: $1510
Leaderboard Bonus: $350
Total profit first quarter: $17770

I am very pleased with the results. Considering I do most of my play at hours which are not the best (11am-6pm US east cost) I think my ROI is pretty good.

According to pokertracker I played 304 hours of SNGs which gives me a $/hr of $61 including VIP etc. My rate for clearing bonuses was probably less. I would guess something around $30-$40. Because I really hate it and I make more playing SNGs, which I love playing I will not do a lot of bonus clearing the coming months.

Graph all SNGs played:

Graph all speed SNGs played:

Record day!

Yesterday was my best day ever playing SNGs, both in games played and profit. I made $2000 playing 95 tournaments, totally wiping out the 35 buyin downswing I was on. As I got 14 1sts and 14 2nds, I also made a leap in the leaderboard race and managed to get into the top 50, which I thought would be impossible. Poker is easy!